Make a gift
Make a gift
The University of Edinburgh USA Development Trust is not able to receive donations that are directed to specific recipients in their own name unless the University of Edinburgh has been actively engaged in the recipient selection process. If you are considering a gift of this nature to the University of Edinburgh USA Development Trust or the University of Edinburgh please contact in the first instance to discuss.
Other ways to give
Gifts of Securities
Please contact the Trust’s treasurer at or call (212) 332-3464
Planned Gifts
For Planned Gifts, Legacy and Estate Gifts, visit our Planned Giving website.
Alternatively, contact Morag Murison at or call +44 131 650 9637
If you would like to discuss, or have any questions about, supporting the University of Edinburgh, please contact:
Ashley Warmington
Regional Development Manager, North America (West Coast)
+44 (0)131 650 2240
Catriona Armstrong
Regional Development Manager, North America (East Coast)
+44 (0)131 650 2240